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Whether you are currently operating a B&B, Inn, Motel or other hospitality business, and are interested in selling, or if you are thinking about moving forward with your dream of becoming an Innkeeper, contact Gregg for some confidential advice on how he can help you achieve your goal.

Gregg Smith- Realtor

Inn Specialist

With nearly 15 years of personal B&B experience, Gregg brings a very unique combination of knowledge and expertise in the hospitality industry along with a firm grasp of the real estate market in Michigan. Gregg owned, personally operated and sold 2 B&B properties in New Orleans, LA and Saugatuck MI. This hands on experience gives Gregg the "insiders" look of the hospitality business that is remarkably advantageous to not only the Innkeeper who is looking to move forward with the sale of their property, but also the ability to assist the prospective Buyer/Innkeeper with aspects of the business that only can come from those who have lived it.


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